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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Moonlight Beach Layout with My Mind's Eye By The Sea

Hello there, it's Apryl with the FotoBella's Design Team here to share a layout made with My Mind's Eye By The Sea I Want it All Bundle.  This bundle is great for vacation, beach and any summer photos you may have.  In this layout, you'll find some fun layering a great way to layer photos to create a panoramic look.  

Do you ever find that you've got duplicate photos of the same shot?  And do you ever accidentally print out more than one of those photos and then you're wondering why did I do that?!?   Well it happens to me sometimes, and here's a good way to use that duplicate photo.  

Use the duplicate photos side by side, and layer a different photo over the center of them to create what looks like a panoramic photo behind it.  The cool thing about this is your aren't actually missing any part of the picture by covering it up with the photo in the middle.  This is because you are covering up the part of the photo that was duplicated.  To add some dimension to the layout, I backed the 4"x 6" photo in the center with chipboard so that it sits up off the page.  

I really love the colors in the By The Sea Collection.  It works well with beach photos and just portrays such a calm and relaxing feeling, don't you think?  All the patterned paper you see in this layout, came from the 6"x 6" paper pad and all were cut in half to make 3"x3" strips.  

The alpha stickers in this collection are a fun silver color!  

You'll find the same silver accents in various embellishments, such as the journal cards and the anchor.  I added the dots with a Navy journaling pen around the page to give it some more details.  I think you'll really love the My Mind's Eye By The Sea Collection.  Visit to check out all the fun goodies included in the I Want It All Bundle.  

Thanks for stopping by today and have a fabulous day!


  1. Maintain Consistency With Your Posts
    Consistency in posting is a challenge for many marketers. It can be difficult to post information once or twice a day. Make an effort to keep the posts consistent. People may lose interest in what you have to say if it is placed haphazardly. Too many posts may not always imply engagement. By bombarding audiences with messages, you risk alienating them. Schedule your postings so that your audience knows when to anticipate new information. Scheduling also enables you to create high-quality posts that will increase engagement. Experts advise making one post per day. You should aim for 11 to 20 repetitions per month. Based on your knowledge of your target market, determine what works best for you.

  2. Post messages consistently
    A 2021 study of 14 industries shows that, on average, businesses publish four Instagram posts per week. But we recommend posting at least once a day. Brands that post regularly on Instagram generally do the best. According to research by Tailwind, profiles that post daily get followers on Instagram faster than those that post less frequently.With Instagram's algorithmic timeline, consistency is a key element for getting your posts to be seen. If your posts are regularly shared and in high demand, the Instagram algorithm will most likely show your posts at the top of your followers' feeds.Of course, quality is always more important than quantity. More frequent publication does not necessarily meant higher level of engagement. Focus on creating content that resonates with your target audience - more on this in Engaging with your audience.Instagram's scheduling tools let you post constantly without worrying about posting daily right from the app. Take a look at How to Schedule Instagram Posts to Save Time and Increase Engagement to discover our favorite Instagram scheduling tools (free and paid) and scheduling tips.

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  4. Use tamanhos de texto maiores e títulos menores Evite juntar junções. A principal sugestão é testar a prática, a prática. Miriam Fico triste em dizer que cerca de por cento dos anunciantes afirmam que as campanhas de e-mail das quais participam são de baixa a média em termos de qualidade. É definitivamente uma situação "meh". Quais são os erros mais comuns que você encontra em seu trabalho? Além disso, você tem alguma sugestão para melhorar suas habilidades.

  5. Hank: Um dos maiores erros que observei os profissionais de marketing por e-mail fazerem considerar seus objetivos do ponto de vista deles. Eles não entendem seu público (símbolo) e são capazes de enviar mensagens que têm um impacto positivo em seu público e são deixados a pensar sobre os motivos pelos quais seus resultados não são suficientes. Considerar.

  6. 7. Make Instagram-only promotional videos.
    Promoting your business only using Instagram can encourage your followers to stay connected to your business. This will provide you with more incentive to get customers to your social media profiles.
    Then, you can send followers of the platform Instagram into your sales funnel making use of specific landing pages.
    A tried and true method to build followers and growing Instagram popularity is to launch hashtag campaigns. Choose a hashtag and ask to share the image and further tag users. Giveaway one gift card to a lucky winner

  7. TikTok lets users create videos and upload them to the application. Users can add filters and other enhancements to make their videos more attractive or more sellable. It covers a broad range of topics, including comedy, home improvement and conspiracy theories, and much more.

    The users can also follow the creators, leave comments on videos, like videos and swipe down or up to alter videos. Brands can set up the option of having their own TikTok account to increase organic reach, or make TikToks to promote sponsored ads.
