Monday, January 10, 2022

Stamperia Time Machine Masculine Card

fotobella, stamperia, masculine card

Hey friends, Chris here! Over the holiday season I cleaned and organized my crafty space. While organizing my cards, I realized I have almost NO Masculine cards. So I decided to create this Stamperia Time Machine Masculine Card.

The Stamperia Voyages Fantastiques Line makes creating masculine cards so super easy! It has versatile prints, icons and embellishments. The colors are muted and easily used for masculine projects as well.

Supplies Needed

Stamperia Cards Collection - Voyages Fantastiques

Colored Wooden shape A5 - Tags

Chipboard cm 15x30 - Voyages Fantastiques

Stamperia Extra Strong Glue

Other supplies

Card Base

Ink - Copper

Creating your Stamperia Time Machine Masculine Card

Lets get started! Pull out this locomotive print, some gears and the Time Machine chipboard. Place the large train card from Cards Collection - Voyages fantastiques to your card base, and then you can start inking the edges.

fotobella, stamperia, masculine card
fotobella, stamperia, masculine card

Find this print in the Stamperia collection, and cut the small Bon Voyage tag in half. As shown.

Now, adhere half of the cut tag (back side up) to your clock tag. You can secure this to the card at this time. Grab the Time Machine wood cut out, and secure this to the top part of the tag, but just off to the right side of it. .

fotobella, stamperia, masculine card

Now we can layer the Stamperia wood gears and chipboard clock to the bottom left of the card. Find the air balloon, and you can secure this to the center of the card, as shown in my picture. Now, our card is finished, but you can always add more embellishments if you’d like to.

Here is a close up of all the dimension on this card.

fotobella, stamperia, masculine card

I hope you are inspired to get creative with your supplies and create some masculine cards!

Head over to to grab this collection and all the supplies you will need!


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