Saturday, June 21, 2014

Walking on Sunshine Layout

Hello Jessica here with you today to share a layout I did using the Echo Park Walking on Sunshine kit.  I have to say that this is a fun summer kit.  The color are not as bright as a lot of the other summer lines out there.  It is a little fun to be using these calmer colors.

I have a small confession.  Sometimes I struggle with where to start with a layout.  Granted there are several sketch sites out there that you can go to for fantastic inspiration.  However, there is another idea that you can do.  Look through your own layouts.  Is there one that you just loved and could change up a little to have a new layout.  That is what I did for this layout.  I went through some older layouts and saw a layout similar to this one below.  I decided it would be perfect for a simple summer layout of my kids and our friends kids get all messy eating popsicles a fun summer staple in our house.


A few close-ups:

So go through those layouts!  I'm sure you have a ton of inspiration right in your own scrapbooks.
Have a beautiful day! Smiles, Jessica

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