Sunday, January 6, 2019

Cat's Meow Gift Box Tutorial

Hey everyone!!
How were your holidays? Ready for Spring like I am?
I am over Winter and ready for some Sunshine and warm weather.

I have a fun and fresh project for you today.

Cat's Meow Gift Box Tutorial

Gift Box


 Hot Glue Gun
Water Spray Bottle

Find a gift box. New or old, any size you prefer.

With your Prima Marketing Color Bloom Spray in Cobalt, spritz the gift box on all sides.

 Choose one of the lovely ladies from the All Dolled Up Sheet and fussy cut her out.

With a spray bottle, give her a spritz and wrinkle the cutout a bit. With your Stickles, add some sparkle. I lined her coat tie and the flower in her hat.

Grab some feathers. I chose blue, teal and purple feather with some poka dots.

 With your hot glue gun, start securing the feathers to the front of the gift box.   

Start to layer on some of the items from the Noteworthy package. I chose this feather flag to start with.

I then layered on the Cat’s Meow flag, and more feathers.

When you have the feathers and flags in place, find the perfect spot for your lady, and secure her in place.

 Grab a couple of stars from the Noteworthy package and glue around the box. Then, cover them with your Stickles Gold Glitter.