Friday, January 12, 2018


How is everyone's New Year going?

Mine has been full of change.  My husband and I have moved back home to Utah from California.  We moved from busy Southern Cali to a small and very quiet town. Not to mention SNOW!

The best part is being near family though.
I have been making my 2 nephew's scrapbook since the first one was born 5 years ago. So when I found out my nephew got a stamp set for Christmas I couldn't wait to scrapbook with him.

Tayvin used every stamp in his set, and while I was cutting them out he drew the cutest little picture. I asked him what it was a picture of. He said it was me standing outside and looking at the mountains. Boy he is observant, because I have done this every day since I have been here.

I think our scrapbook page turned out pretty cute!!
He has asked me when we can scrapbook again. I told him now that I live here, we are going to scrapbook all the time!

This Welcome Home Collection by Carta Bella was the perfect collection to create a 'welcome home' layout!

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