Monday, March 27, 2017

How is everyone doing today?
It's Jeri here with the FotoBella Design Team.

What kind of scrapbooker are you? Do you scrap your pages in life order, or do you wait to find the perfect paper to match all of your previous images before you scrap them?

I am the type to wait for the perfect collection of papers and accessories before I scrap my pages.I keep all of my images on an external hard drive and go through them constantly to see which images will fit perfectly with papers I am working with.

The colors are very streamlined with black, white, red and pink. It is very 'Valentine' themed, so of course it coordinated perfectly with these darling photos of my 2 nephews Valentine's Day this year.

Thanks to SnapChat, it allows my brother and sister-in-law to add captions to their photos, and easily describes what they were doing in every photo. And of course, adds darling filters to these cute little faces!

The sticker sheet makes is easy to add cute little embellishments throughout the pages.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you are inspired to create today!

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