Thursday, November 24, 2016

Give Thanks

Each year on the fourth Thursday in November, Americans gather for a day of feasting, football and family. While today’s celebrations would probably be unrecognizable to those attending the original 1621 harvest meal, Thanksgiving continues to be a day for Americans to come together

In honor of that "coming together" at Thanksgiving, I created this cute tag using the "Children's Hour" collection  by Graphic 45.
This tag is available in FotoBella's
"2 Cards, 2 Tags" Monthly Membership Kit.

It is one of four projects in the Graphic 45 "Children's Hour" November "2 Tags/2 Cards" Membership Kit available at!

Here are the projects individually:
Wishing you a bountiful harvest

A cute Ohhhh...Autumn card

And a very special interactive card
Sweet November

It's a swivel card!

 Perfect for that special person!

You can pick up your kit at HERE:
And Membership with Starter Bundle HERE:

Giving a personal handmade greeting card 
made by YOU is a great way to say 
"I am so thankful for you!"
Show them you care and get your kit today!

And from all of us to all of you,
a very Happy Thanksgiving!

~ReNae, Jeri, Drea, Jessica and Apryl


  1. Hope whoever wins, really enjoys it with the holidays coming.

  2. In the context of Finance Bachelor Thesis Topics, exploring the economic impact of such cultural events or delving into financial aspects of holiday spending could provide intriguing research avenues.
