Friday, July 25, 2014

Echo Park- Pool Time Love

Welcome.  Jessica here with you today to share a layout I did for the FotoBella design team.  I used the Walking on Sunshine line from Echo Park.  It is a soft, cute, summer line.  It works great for all those pictures of the kiddos at the pool or beach.  Which is exactly what my layout is about this time.

My oldest Jalyn is a little fish.  She loves to swim and bugs me to take her swimming year round. I thought that fish paper was so cute.  I knew I had to use it some how.  I the red and blue paper to look like waves, then kept my embellishments pretty simple since I had three larger pictures on the page.


A few close-ups:

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you enjoyed my layout.
Have a beautiful day! Smiles, Jessica

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