Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A So Very Lovely layout

FotoBella fans, hello!  I've been working with Basic Grey's Grand Bazaar collection.  This is one of the photos snagged off the bulletin board the last day of school.  My daughter won the award at the beginning of the school year!  Another mom was kind enough to snap this photo since I just happened to be at the hospital in labor with her little sister at the same time!

This collection is truly beautiful.  The colors are so vibrant and fantastic!

Such an assortment of embellishments come with FotoBella's bundle.  I really love the black and gold wood pieces.  That fox, oh that fox is so cute!  I just had to use it.  You can see that I did hold off on the journaling for this layout.  I usually do all of my journaling at one time, once I have all the layouts in order and ready to go into the album.  That way I get all the facts straight and in order!

The chipboard sticker pieces are really amazing.  Great pop of color next to that black outline.  

Have a fabulous day!

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