Thursday, March 6, 2014

Basic Grey Fresh Cut Home Decor Box

Are you ever in the mood to do something different with all those scrapbooking supplies?  Well this week, I was in the mood to do something crafty but didn't feel like scrapbooking.  I happen to have a round paper mache box in my closet that I have been trying to figure out what to do with.  I also still had the paper flower kit left over from my Basic Grey Fresh Cut Bundle from FotoBella

I thought the flowers would be awesome on the top.  I measured the size of the box around and cut my paper accordingly.  I then cut some holes in the top to put the brads from the flowers through.  Once I attached my flowers I added the leaves and tag to finish off the top.

A simple quick easy box.  Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but it was easy and fun to make.

A few more photos:

Have a beautiful day! Smiles, Jessica

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