Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Handmade Mini Album Giveaway

Our design team member, Sarinda Jones has a few design team projects she would like to giveaway to some lucky friends of FotoBella.

She was nice enough to provide the step-by-step tutorial to create this gorgeous Dream Big Mini Album using the Tell Your Story Bundle by Teresa Collins and now she is generously going to give it away! How wonderful is that? 

To be entered to win:

1. Leave us a comment on this blog post telling us what one of your BIG DREAMS are (if you care to share)


2. Hop on over to the FotoBella Facebook Page to LIKE us and leave us a comment that you'd like to win the Dream Big Mini Album.

We'll pick one random winner this Saturday, October 20th  Monday, October 22nd and announce it here on the blog as well as on our Facebook Page.

Good luck and happy scrapping!

UPDATE: We've extended your chance to participate in this giveaway!
Make sure to post your comment by October 21st to win!


  1. My big dream right now if figuring out my Silhouette Cameo that I just purchased from you this weekend!! ;-)

    1. Hi Daasha! Sounds like a great dream :) And maybe even easier if you get a chance to stop by the FotoBella YouTube Channel! Here are the Silhouette Videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/FotoBelladotcom/videos?query=silhouette

    2. Congratulations Daasha, you won the Mini Album!
