Sunday, December 18, 2011

Basic Grey Page of the Month - Party Time

If you sign up for the Basic Grey Page of the Month Club at, you'll receive a kit each month with enough paper and embellishments for the included double page layout, as well as plenty of extras for you to do several more layouts.  You'll also receive instructions on how to put together the layout which you can choose to follow exactly or with your own adjustments.  The amazing thing about these kits is your ability to personalize to your own liking, while giving you an excellent starting point.

Signing up for these amazing kits is very easy, available only at  Basic Grey Page of the Month Club at

For the month of November, our members received the kit for the double page layout called Party Time.  In your kit you'll receive all the paper, stickers, and embellishments you'll need for this layout plus plenty of extra.  You can find the instructions for this layout here - Party Time Instructions.
In these instructions you'll also find what supplies are included, the papers and embellishments, and what supplies you'll need to provide yourself such as your pictures and tools.

In the following video you can follow along with me while I put the double page layout together.  Don't forget this is simply a guideline you can follow.  Use your creativity and make any changes to this layout to make it your own.

Here is the finished double page layout

 Remember you can purchase your own Basic Grey Page of the Month Kits at
To sign up for the membership click here - Basic Grey Page of the Month Club
If you don't want to get the monthly kit, you can also just purchase the November kit Party Time here - November Basic Grey Kit Party Time.

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